Generator Plugins
Plugins to generate signals, rather than process them.
These tend to be slightly more complex than most other types
of plugin.
Oscillator Plugin 1.0
Frequency CV
Pulse Width CV
Sample & Hold CV
The Oscillator generates raw waveforms from CV controls.
Three wave shapes are included, Square wave, Triangle wave
and white noise.
In the square and triangle shapes, the Frequency CV controls
the pitch of the signal generated, and the pulsewidth turns
the squarewave into a pulse wave of varying harmonics, and the
triangle wave into a sawtooth, or reverse sawtooth wave.
The sample & hold CV changes the time between samples with
the white noise. This is usful for making the Oscillator into
a random CV generator.
The plugin window allows you to select the wave shape, set the
octave and fine tune the frequency. There are also controls to
set the pulsewidth, sample and hold manually, and control the
modulation depth of the input CV's.
The frequency can be set extremely low on this oscillator,
so you can use it as an LFO for controlling other plugins.
WaveTable Plugin 1.0
Frequency CV
The WaveTable plugin is a fast multifunction oscillator
with a variety of wave shapes:
Sine, Square, Saw, Reverse Saw, Triangle, Two pulse shapes
and an inverse sinewave.
These wave shapes are internally represented as samples,
rather than being continually calculated like the conventional
oscillator. This makes the plugin fast, but restricts the
modulations you can do on the wave forms (no pulsewidth).
The oscillator can be pitched very low for use as a LFO CV
generator, using any of the supported wave shapes. User wave
shapes are planned, so you will be able to load your own samples
Sampler Plugin 1.0
8 Pitch CV's
8 Trigger CV's
Trigger pitch CV
The Sampler plays wav files loaded from disk.
8 samples can be triggered simultaneously (per device).
They can either be triggered independantly, via the trigger
CV's, or triggered from a pitch CV. Using the second method,
the individual samples can be mapped onto a chromatic note using
the trigger note widgets in the plugin window. The number is the
midi note number the sample gets triggered on.
If you want to play a sample pitched across the keyboard, select
the sample, plug the midi note frequency into the pitch CV and
the trigger CV into the samples trigger CV input.
The pitch, volume and loop mode can also be set with the
controls in the plugin window.
Note: There are some incompatibility problems with the wav
file loader. I'm working on it, but if you can't get a
file to load, convert it to something else on ecasound,
and then back to wav file, and it should load OK.
Stream Plugin 1.0
Pitch CV
Left Out
Right Out
If you want to mix whole tracks and add effects etc,
then this is the way to do it. The StreamPlugin loads a wav in
bit by bit, so it doesn't use much memory. The track can be pitched
for mixing. Operates pretty much like a media player such as XMMS
(only wav format though).
SpiralLoop Plugin 1.0
Play Trigger
Loop Trigger 0...7
Loop sampler for recording input into and
mashing up.
Loop controls:
lmb-drag select region
mmb-drag scratch play position
rmb-rotate sample round loop (changes start pos)
ctrl-c copy (not yet supported)
ctrl-v paste (not yet supported)
ctrl-x cut (not yet supported)
ctrl-b paste mix (not yet supported)
ctrl-z zero range
ctrl-r reverse range
ctrl-h halve the sample
ctrl-s hold the sample (dumps the data just played back in)
ctrl-a select all
ctrl-t new trigger
Trigger controls:
lmb-drag move the trigger
mmb cycle through the trigger outputs
When the play position moves over a trigger, it causes the
corresponding cv output to be triggered.
You can set the triggers up to act like the SpiralLoops app
(triggering other loops in a chaotic fashion) or use the triggers
to control other plugins - matrix drum loops etc...
PoshSampler Plugin 1.0
8 Pitch CV's
8 Trigger CV's
Trigger pitch CV
3 Sample play pos CVs
Mixed output
8 Individual sample outs
Much more advanced version of the samplerplugin. This one allows
simple sample editing (cut copy paste etc), dirty time stretching
(by modulating the start pos + retriggering + modulating pitch)
and loop start/end points with ping pong loop mode.
Also nice implementations of controls, such as continuous pitch
changing, so you can add portmento to samples, trigger velocity maps
to sample volume.
Records input too.
lmb: Select region
mmb: Move view
rmb: Draws samples at full zoom.
+: Zoom in
-: Zoom out
Left mouse also drags loop points. The Loop end marker defaults
to the end of the sample.