Sequencer plugins
Sequencer Plugins
These Plugins don't create audio signal data themselves, but are used to control plugins which do. In some cases they can be used to control each other, for sequencing patterns into entire songs.
Sequencer Plugin 2.0
Play Trigger
Speed CV
Input Freq
Input Trigger

Output CV

This is a sequencer which follows the piano roll style of pattern editing. It's purposely designed to avoid timing restrictions and quantisation, so all events can be moved and resized smoothly.

Event editing can be done using the following mouse/keyboard commands.
Left mouse: If no event is present, create a new one. If an event is under the mouse, drag to move.
Right mouse: If over an event, resize the event to alter it's length.
Left Mouse + Backspace key: Delete event under cursor.

The display can be zoomed using the zoom knob, for fine editing of the events. If update is selected, a line shows the current play position. Note cut works the same as in the Midi plugin, ie. it sets the frequency to zero at the end of the event.

The sequence will be reset back to the beggining on a trigger to the Play Trigger input CV. The value of this CV will also select the pattern (one of 16) The speed of playback can be modified with the Speed CV, or the control knob.

Events can be recorded from the inputs, and will be written to the currently selected pattern. You can connect the input to the midi plugin to record your jamming, or for some algorythmic composition you can use oscillators to generate notes and pitches.

Matrix Plugin 1.0
Play Trigger
Steptime CV
Input Freq
Input Trigger

Output Pitch
Output Trigger
16 Triggers

Very different to the continous piano roll sequencer, this is a matrix style pattern editor for techno purists. Great for drum programming, but also capable of robotic bass and melodies.

Note events are turned on and off by activating the 32*16 grid of toggle buttons on the GUI. The speed and octave of the notes can be set too. The length of the pattern in notes and note cut are also present. The current play position is indicated by the row of LED's along the top of the plugin window.

16 triggers are supplied for simultaneous triggering of samples in the sampler plugin (for instance).

Each Matrix plugin can contain up to 16 different patterns, these are selectable on the plugin GUI, and triggerable by the play trigger CV. This CV input takes a note frequency CV rather than just a trigger, and the bottom 16 notes on the midi scale trigger the 16 patterns.
This means that a matrix can trigger another matrix, if set to a much lower speed, and (set to octave 0) the notes trigger the differnt patterns in the slave matrix.

No event recording support yet.

SeqSelector Plugin 1.0

8 Triggers

The SeqSelector is designed to allow you to syncronise and select up to 8 Sequencer or Matrix patterns into tracks. When the SeqSelector recieves a trigger (which could come from a master pattern, or a clock oscillator) it will briefly flash the next set of values to its outputs, triggering the next patterns on it's slave sequencers or matrix plugins.

You can also specify a loop, which will be used if the "use range" button is activated. This is useful for auditioning sections of a track.