High level fluxus commands written in Scheme.
Returns void
Removes the parent for the current primitive, and fixes up the transform so the primitive doesn't move. Use (parent 1) to avoid this fix up.
; builds and animates a random heirarchical structure, ; click on the objects to detach them from their parents (define (build-heir depth) (with-state (let ((p (with-state (translate (vector 2 0 0)) (scale 0.9) (build-cube)))) (when (> depth 0) (parent p) (for ((i (in-range 0 5))) (when (zero? (random 3)) (rotate (vector 0 0 (* 45 (crndf)))) (build-heir (- depth 1)))))))) (define (animate-heir children depth) (for-each (lambda (child) (with-primitive child (rotate (vector 0 0 (sin (+ depth (time))))) (animate-heir (get-children) (+ depth 1)))) children)) (define (animate) (animate-heir (get-children) 0) (when (mouse-button 1) (let ((s (select (mouse-x) (mouse-y) 2))) (when (not (zero? s)) (with-primitive s (detach-parent)))))) (clear) (build-heir 5) (every-frame (animate))
Returns result of last expression
Encapsulates local state changes, and removes the need for push and pop.
; state hierachy, by nesting with-state: (with-state (hint-vertcols) (colour (vector 0 0 1)) (with-state (translate (vector 1 0 0)) (build-sphere 10 10)) (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) ; making primitives: (define my-torus (with-state (hint-vertcols) (colour (vector 0 0 1)) (build-torus 1 2 30 30)))
Returns result of last expression
Encapsulates primitive state changes, and removes the need for grab and ungrab.
(define my-torus (with-state (colour (vector 0 0 1)) (build-torus 1 2 30 30))) ; change the torus colour: (with-primitive my-torus (colour (vector 0 1 0)))
Returns result of last expression
Allows you to render into a pixel primitive.
Returns result of last expression
Allows you to work with the specified FFGL plugin.
(clear) (define plugin (ffgl-load "FFGLTile.dylib" 256 256)) (with-ffgl plugin (for ([i (ffgl-get-info)]) (printf "~a~n" i)))
Returns void
A high level control structure for simplifying passing over pdata arrays for primitive deformation. Should be easier and less error prone than looping manually. Writes to the first pdata array.
(clear) (define my-torus (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) (with-primitive my-torus (pdata-map! (lambda (position) (vadd position (vector (flxrnd) 0 0))) ; jitter the vertex in x "p")) ; read/write the position pdata array (with-primitive my-torus (pdata-map! (lambda (position normal) (vadd position normal)) ; add the normal to the position (expand the object) "p" "n")) ; read/write the position pdata array, read the normals array
Returns void
A high level control structure for simplifying passing over pdata arrays for primitive deformation. Same as pdata-map! except pdata-index-map! supplies the index of the current pdata element as the first argument to 'procedure'.
(clear) (define my-torus (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) (with-primitive my-torus (pdata-index-map! (lambda (index position) (vadd position (vector (gh index) 0 0))) ; jitter the vertex in x "p")) ; read/write the position pdata array
Returns result of folding procedure over pdata array
A high level control structure for doing calculations on pdata arrays. Runs the procedure over each pdata element accumulating the result. Should be easier and less error prone than looping manually.
(define my-torus (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) ; find the centre of the primitive by averaging ; the points position's together (let ((centre (with-primitive my-torus (vdiv (pdata-fold vadd (vector 0 0 0) "p") (pdata-size))))) (display centre)(newline))
Returns result of folding procedure over pdata array
Same as pdata-fold except it passes the index of the current pdata element as the first parameter of 'procedure'.
(define my-torus (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) ; can't think of a good example for this yet... (let ((something (with-primitive my-torus (vdiv (pdata-index-fold (lambda (index position ret) (vadd ret (vmul position index))) (vector 0 0 0) "p") (pdata-size))))) (display something)(newline))
Returns result-vector
Adds vectors together
(vadd (vector 1 2 3) (vector 5 2 7)) (vadd (vector 1 2 3 4) (vector 7 1 1 4)) (vadd (vector 1 2) (vector 3 3) (vector 5 5))
Returns result-vector
Subtracts a vector or multiple vectors from each other
(vsub (vector 1 2 3) (vector 5 2 7)) (vsub (vector 1 2 3 4) (vector 7 1 1 4)) (vsub (vector 1 2) (vector 3 3) (vector 5 5))
Returns result-vector
Multiplies a vector by a number
(vmul (vector 1 2 3) 2) (vmul (vector 1 2 3 4 5) 3)
Returns result-vector
Divides a vector by a number
(vdiv (vector 1 2 3) 2) (vdiv (vector 1 2 3 4 5) 3)
Returns void
Loads a collada scene file and returns a scene description list. Files need to contain triangulated model data - this is usually an option on the export. Note: this is slow for heavy models
;(collada-import "test.dae")
Returns void
Removes the parent for the current primitive, and fixes up the transform so the primitive doesn't move. Use (parent 1) to avoid this fix up.
; builds and animates a random heirarchical structure, ; click on the objects to detach them from their parents (define (build-heir depth) (with-state (let ((p (with-state (translate (vector 2 0 0)) (scale 0.9) (build-cube)))) (when (> depth 0) (parent p) (for ((i (in-range 0 5))) (when (zero? (random 3)) (rotate (vector 0 0 (* 45 (crndf)))) (build-heir (- depth 1)))))))) (define (animate-heir children depth) (for-each (lambda (child) (with-primitive child (rotate (vector 0 0 (sin (+ depth (time))))) (animate-heir (get-children) (+ depth 1)))) children)) (define (animate) (animate-heir (get-children) 0) (when (mouse-button 1) (let ((s (select (mouse-x) (mouse-y) 2))) (when (not (zero? s)) (with-primitive s (detach-parent)))))) (clear) (build-heir 5) (every-frame (animate))
Returns result of last expression
Encapsulates local state changes, and removes the need for push and pop.
; state hierachy, by nesting with-state: (with-state (hint-vertcols) (colour (vector 0 0 1)) (with-state (translate (vector 1 0 0)) (build-sphere 10 10)) (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) ; making primitives: (define my-torus (with-state (hint-vertcols) (colour (vector 0 0 1)) (build-torus 1 2 30 30)))
Returns result of last expression
Encapsulates primitive state changes, and removes the need for grab and ungrab.
(define my-torus (with-state (colour (vector 0 0 1)) (build-torus 1 2 30 30))) ; change the torus colour: (with-primitive my-torus (colour (vector 0 1 0)))
Returns result of last expression
Allows you to render into a pixel primitive.
Returns result of last expression
Allows you to work with the specified FFGL plugin.
(clear) (define plugin (ffgl-load "FFGLTile.dylib" 256 256)) (with-ffgl plugin (for ([i (ffgl-get-info)]) (printf "~a~n" i)))
Returns void
A high level control structure for simplifying passing over pdata arrays for primitive deformation. Should be easier and less error prone than looping manually. Writes to the first pdata array.
(clear) (define my-torus (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) (with-primitive my-torus (pdata-map! (lambda (position) (vadd position (vector (flxrnd) 0 0))) ; jitter the vertex in x "p")) ; read/write the position pdata array (with-primitive my-torus (pdata-map! (lambda (position normal) (vadd position normal)) ; add the normal to the position (expand the object) "p" "n")) ; read/write the position pdata array, read the normals array
Returns void
A high level control structure for simplifying passing over pdata arrays for primitive deformation. Same as pdata-map! except pdata-index-map! supplies the index of the current pdata element as the first argument to 'procedure'.
(clear) (define my-torus (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) (with-primitive my-torus (pdata-index-map! (lambda (index position) (vadd position (vector (gh index) 0 0))) ; jitter the vertex in x "p")) ; read/write the position pdata array
Returns result of folding procedure over pdata array
A high level control structure for doing calculations on pdata arrays. Runs the procedure over each pdata element accumulating the result. Should be easier and less error prone than looping manually.
(define my-torus (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) ; find the centre of the primitive by averaging ; the points position's together (let ((centre (with-primitive my-torus (vdiv (pdata-fold vadd (vector 0 0 0) "p") (pdata-size))))) (display centre)(newline))
Returns result of folding procedure over pdata array
Same as pdata-fold except it passes the index of the current pdata element as the first parameter of 'procedure'.
(define my-torus (build-torus 1 2 30 30)) ; can't think of a good example for this yet... (let ((something (with-primitive my-torus (vdiv (pdata-index-fold (lambda (index position ret) (vadd ret (vmul position index))) (vector 0 0 0) "p") (pdata-size))))) (display something)(newline))
Returns result-vector
Adds vectors together
(vadd (vector 1 2 3) (vector 5 2 7)) (vadd (vector 1 2 3 4) (vector 7 1 1 4)) (vadd (vector 1 2) (vector 3 3) (vector 5 5))
Returns result-vector
Subtracts a vector or multiple vectors from each other
(vsub (vector 1 2 3) (vector 5 2 7)) (vsub (vector 1 2 3 4) (vector 7 1 1 4)) (vsub (vector 1 2) (vector 3 3) (vector 5 5))
Returns result-vector
Multiplies a vector by a number
(vmul (vector 1 2 3) 2) (vmul (vector 1 2 3 4 5) 3)
Returns result-vector
Divides a vector by a number
(vdiv (vector 1 2 3) 2) (vdiv (vector 1 2 3 4 5) 3)
Returns void
Loads a collada scene file and returns a scene description list. Files need to contain triangulated model data - this is usually an option on the export. Note: this is slow for heavy models
;(collada-import "test.dae")
Returns void
Linearly interpolates the two vectors together by t
; mix red and blue together (colour (vmix (vector 1 0 0) (vector 0 0 1) 0.5))
Returns void
Clamp the vector so the elements are all between 0 and 1
; make a valid colour from any old vector (colour (vclamp (vector 2 400 -123)))
Returns void
Normalise the vector so all the elements are between 0 and 1 but maintain the same ratio between them.
; make a valid colour from any old vector (colour (vsquash (vector 2 400 -123)))
Returns void
Draws a circle into a pixels primitive
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-circle (vector 50 50 0) 30 (vector 1 0 0 1)) (pixels-upload))
Returns void
Draws a blended circle into a pixels primitive
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-blend-circle (vector 50 50 0) 30 (vector 1 0 0 1)) (pixels-upload))
Returns void
Lightens a circular area of a pixels primitive
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-dodge (vector 50 50 0) 30 (vector 1 0 0 1)) (pixels-upload))
Returns void
Darkens a circular area of a pixels primitive
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-burn (vector 50 50 0) 30 (vector 1 0 0 1)) (pixels-upload))
Returns void
Sets all of the pixels to the supplied colour
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-clear (vector 1 0 0)) (pixels-upload))
Returns index-number
Returns the pdata index for the given texture coordinate
(with-primitive (build-pixels 10 10) (display (pixels-index (vector 0.5 0.5 0)))(newline))
Returns position-vector
Returns the texture coordinate for the given pdata index
(with-primitive (build-pixels 10 10) (display (pixels-texcoord 25))(newline))
Returns void
Returns a symbol representing the type of the current polygon primitive. primitive.
(define p (build-polygons 3 'triangle-strip)) (with-primitive p (display (poly-type))(newline))
Returns list of pdata values
Calls proc with the indices for each face in a polygon primitive
Returns list of pdata values
Calls proc with the pdata for each triangle in a face - assumes all faces are convex.
Returns primitive-id
A new poly primitive of type triangle-list representing the supplied poly primitive.
(define triangulated-plane (poly-build-triangulate (build-seg-plane 20 20)))
Returns void
Calls proc with the triangle indices and a random barycentric coord.
Returns primitive-id
Returns an indexed polygon primitive made by extruding the profile along path and scaling using values in width. The path and width lists need to be the same size. tex-vscale allows you to scale the texture coordinates along the length of the extrusion. An up vector is needed for aiming the profile along the path.
(clear) (build-extrusion (build-circle-points 20 0.3) (list (vector 0 0 0) (vector 0 1 2) (vector 0 -1 4) (vector 0 0 6)) (list 0 1 1 0) 1 (vector 0 1 0))
Returns primitive-id
Builds a primitive ready to be used with partial-extrusion. Use this is for animating growth along extrusions.
(clear) (define profile (build-circle-points 10 0.3)) (define path (build-list 20 (lambda (i) (vector (crndf) (crndf) i)))) (define width (build-list 20 (lambda (_) 1))) (hint-wire) (define p (build-partial-extrusion profile path 1)) (every-frame (with-primitive p (partial-extrude (* (length path) 0.5 (+ (sin (time)) 1)) profile path width (vector 0 1 0) 0.1)))
Returns primitive-id
Animates growth along extrusions. t is a value between 0 and the length of the path, and controls how far along the extrusion to calculate. Grow value is a scale to control how much the profile is scaled to change it's width as it grows.
(clear) (define profile (build-circle-points 10 0.3)) (define path (build-list 20 (lambda (i) (vector (crndf) (crndf) i)))) (define width (build-list 20 (lambda (_) 1))) (hint-wire) (define p (build-partial-extrusion profile path 100)) (every-frame (with-primitive p (partial-extrude (* (length path) 0.5 (+ (sin (time)) 1)) profile path width (vector 0 1 0) 0.1)))
Returns primitive-id
Builds a disk shaped poly primitive
(clear) (build-disk 10)
Returns number
Returns a random number in the range 0->1
(display (rndf))(newline)
Returns number
Returns a random number in the range -1->1 (centred on zero)
(display (crndf))(newline)
Returns vector
Returns a random 3 element vector with each element in the range 0->1. If you visualise a lot of these as points, they will fill the unit cube (see the example).
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (rndvec)) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a random 3 element vector with each element in the range -1->1. If you visualise a lot of these as points, they will fill a cube centred on the origin (see the example).
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (crndvec)) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a random 3 element vector. If you visualise a lot of these as points, they will fill a sphere centred on the origin (see the example).
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (srndvec)) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a random 3 element vector. If you visualise a lot of these as points, they will cover the surface of a sphere centred on the origin (see the example). The name stands for "hollow sphere".
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (hsrndvec)) "p"))
Returns number
Returns a gaussian random number in the range centred on zero, with a variance of 1
(display (grndf))(newline)
Returns vector
Returns a gaussian random 3 element vector. If you visualise a lot of these as points, you will see a normal distribution centred on the origin. (see the example).
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (grndvec)) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a vector representing a uniformly distributed triangular barycentric coordinate (wip - doesn't seem to be very uniform to me...)
Returns vector
Returns a vector representing a random point on a hemisphere, defined by normal.
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (rndhemi (vector 0 1 0))) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a vector representing a random point on a hollow hemisphere, defined by normal.
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (hrndhemi (vector 0 1 0))) "p"))
Returns primitive-id
Returns a list of vectors describing a circle. Useful for generating circles for the extrusion generator.
(clear) (build-extrusion (build-circle-points 20 0.3) (list (vector 0 0 0) (vector 0 1 2) (vector 0 -1 4) (vector 0 0 6)) (list 0 1 1 0) 1 (vector 0 1 0))
Returns void
Calls proc with the triangle indices and a random barycentric coord?
Returns void
Expand object along the normals
(with-primitive (build-cube) (expand 5))
Returns void
Bakes ambient occlusion textures. See ambient-occlusion.scm for more info.
Returns vector
Linearly interpolates the two vectors together by t
; mix red and blue together (colour (vmix (vector 1 0 0) (vector 0 0 1) 0.5))
Returns vector
Clamp the vector so the elements are all between 0 and 1
; make a valid colour from any old vector (colour (vclamp (vector 2 400 -123)))
Returns vector
Normalise the vector so all the elements are between 0 and 1 but maintain the same ratio between them.
; make a valid colour from any old vector (colour (vsquash (vector 2 400 -123)))
Returns number
Linearly interpolates the two numbers together by t
(lerp 1 2 .3)
Returns vector
Linearly interpolates the two vectors together by t
; mix red and blue together (colour (vlerp (vector 1 0 0) (vector 0 0 1) 0.3))
Returns vector
Linearly interpolates the two matrices together by t
(mlerp (mtranslate (vector 1 0 0)) (mtranslate (vector 0 1 0)) .3)
Returns list of 2 vectors (start position, end position)
Gets a line representing a segment of the projection of the x,y points into 3D space. at depth z from the camera
Returns vector
Gets the world position of a point in 3D world space.
Returns vector
Gets the mouse position in 3D world space.
Returns vector
Gets the mouse position in 3D world space at depth z.
Returns float
Converts a 2D vector into an angle, with some dodgy Dave maths
Returns void
Draws a circle into a pixels primitive
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-circle (vector 50 50 0) 30 (vector 1 0 0 1)) (pixels-upload))
Returns void
Draws a blended circle into a pixels primitive
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-blend-circle (vector 50 50 0) 30 (vector 1 0 0 1)) (pixels-upload))
Returns void
Lightens a circular area of a pixels primitive
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-dodge (vector 50 50 0) 30 (vector 1 0 0 1)) (pixels-upload))
Returns void
Darkens a circular area of a pixels primitive
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-burn (vector 50 50 0) 30 (vector 1 0 0 1)) (pixels-upload))
Returns void
Sets all of the pixels to the supplied colour
(with-primitive (build-pixels 100 100) (pixels-clear (vector 1 0 0)) (pixels-upload))
Returns index-number
Returns the pdata index for the given texture coordinate
(with-primitive (build-pixels 10 10) (display (pixels-index (vector 0.5 0.5 0)))(newline))
Returns position-vector
Returns the texture coordinate for the given pdata index
(with-primitive (build-pixels 10 10) (display (pixels-texcoord 25))(newline))
Returns void
Returns a symbol representing the type of the current polygon primitive. primitive.
(define p (build-polygons 3 'triangle-strip)) (with-primitive p (display (poly-type))(newline))
Returns list of pdata values
Calls proc with the indices for each face in a polygon primitive
Returns list of pdata values
Calls proc with the pdata for each triangle in a face - assumes all faces are convex.
Returns primitive-id
A new poly primitive of type triangle-list representing the supplied poly primitive.
(define triangulated-plane (poly-build-triangulate (build-seg-plane 20 20)))
Returns void
Calls proc with the triangle indices and a random barycentric coord.
Returns primitive-id
Returns an indexed polygon primitive made by extruding the profile along path and scaling using values in width. The path and width lists need to be the same size. tex-vscale allows you to scale the texture coordinates along the length of the extrusion. An up vector is needed for aiming the profile along the path.
(clear) (build-extrusion (build-circle-points 20 0.3) (list (vector 0 0 0) (vector 0 1 2) (vector 0 -1 4) (vector 0 0 6)) (list 0 1 1 0) 1 (vector 0 1 0))
Returns primitive-id
Builds a primitive ready to be used with partial-extrusion. Use this is for animating growth along extrusions.
(clear) (define profile (build-circle-points 10 0.3)) (define path (build-list 20 (lambda (i) (vector (crndf) (crndf) i)))) (define width (build-list 20 (lambda (_) 1))) (hint-wire) (define p (build-partial-extrusion profile path 1)) (every-frame (with-primitive p (partial-extrude (* (length path) 0.5 (+ (sin (time)) 1)) profile path width (vector 0 1 0) 0.1)))
Returns primitive-id
Animates growth along extrusions. t is a value between 0 and the length of the path, and controls how far along the extrusion to calculate. Grow value is a scale to control how much the profile is scaled to change it's width as it grows.
(clear) (define profile (build-circle-points 10 0.3)) (define path (build-list 20 (lambda (i) (vector (crndf) (crndf) i)))) (define width (build-list 20 (lambda (_) 1))) (hint-wire) (define p (build-partial-extrusion profile path 100)) (every-frame (with-primitive p (partial-extrude (* (length path) 0.5 (+ (sin (time)) 1)) profile path width (vector 0 1 0) 0.1)))
Returns primitive-id
Builds a disk shaped poly primitive
(clear) (build-disk 10)
Returns number
Returns a random number in the range 0->1
(display (rndf))(newline)
Returns number
Returns a random number in the range -1->1 (centred on zero)
(display (crndf))(newline)
Returns vector
Returns a random 3 element vector with each element in the range 0->1. If you visualise a lot of these as points, they will fill the unit cube (see the example).
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (rndvec)) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a random 3 element vector with each element in the range -1->1. If you visualise a lot of these as points, they will fill a cube centred on the origin (see the example).
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (crndvec)) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a random 3 element vector. If you visualise a lot of these as points, they will fill a sphere centred on the origin (see the example).
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (srndvec)) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a random 3 element vector. If you visualise a lot of these as points, they will cover the surface of a sphere centred on the origin (see the example). The name stands for "hollow sphere".
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (hsrndvec)) "p"))
Returns number
Returns a gaussian random number in the range centred on zero, with a variance of 1
(display (grndf))(newline)
Returns vector
Returns a gaussian random 3 element vector. If you visualise a lot of these as points, you will see a normal distribution centred on the origin. (see the example).
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (grndvec)) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a vector representing a uniformly distributed triangular barycentric coordinate (wip - doesn't seem to be very uniform to me...)
Returns vector
Returns a vector representing a random point on a hemisphere, defined by normal.
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (rndhemi (vector 0 1 0))) "p"))
Returns vector
Returns a vector representing a random point on a hollow hemisphere, defined by normal.
(clear) (hint-none) (hint-points) (point-width 4) (define p (build-particles 1000)) (show-axis 1) (with-primitive p (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (vector 1 1 1)) "c") (pdata-map! (lambda (p) (hrndhemi (vector 0 1 0))) "p"))
Returns primitive-id
Returns a list of vectors describing a circle. Useful for generating circles for the extrusion generator.
(clear) (build-extrusion (build-circle-points 20 0.3) (list (vector 0 0 0) (vector 0 1 2) (vector 0 -1 4) (vector 0 0 6)) (list 0 1 1 0) 1 (vector 0 1 0))
Returns void
Calls proc with the triangle indices and a random barycentric coord?
Returns void
Expand object along the normals
(with-primitive (build-cube) (expand 5))
Returns void
Bakes ambient occlusion textures. See ambient-occlusion.scm for more info.